CrMS Medical Consultant

This qualification requires the satisfactory completion of the CrMS Medical Consultant Program, which is a six-month program with two education phases, EPI and EPII, and one supervised practicum, SPI, designed to assist physicians to incorporate into their medical practices the newly emerging science of NaProTECHNOLOGY. It also assists the physician to establish a cooperative agreement with a FertilityCare Center in order for the FertilityCare Center to feature NaProTECHNOLOGY. A student currently enrolled in the CrMS Medical Consultant Program is referred to as a CrMSMCI (CrMS Medical Consultant intern). CrMS Medical qualifications explained:
- NFPMC: A doctor who completed the CrMS Medical Consultant Program in 2018 or prior.
- CrMSMC: A doctor who completed the CrMS Medical Consultant Program in 2019 or later.
- CFCMC: .A doctor who has achieved Certification from the AAFCP (add link to FCCI website page on Certification) after completing the CrMS Medical Consultant Program.