Certification by the AAFCP
AAFCP = American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals.

The AAFCP is the professional organization for providers of the CREIGHTON MODEL Fertility Care System and NaProTECHNOLOGY. It was founded in 1981 and its mission is to foster, advance and promote the CrMS and NaProTECHNOLOGY through service, education, research, and leadership.
For women and/or couples to obtain optimal benefit from the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System, they must receive competent personal instruction from FertilityCare Practitioners (FCP) (link word to the page on FCCI with definition for FCP) and when required, Fertility Care Medical Consultants (MC).
To support excellence in these services, the Academy Certifies: Fertility Care Practitioners, FertilityCare Medical Consultants and FertilityCare Educators, Supervisors and Instructors.
[Certified by the AAFCP = designation earned by a FertilityCare Professional which assures qualification to perform as such.]
Academy Certification is a recognition by FertilityCare Professional peers that the FCP/MC being Certified, is a provider of FertilityCare who independently continues the quality services that began while under supervision. Certification is a measure of competence and is recognized by other health professionals. It documents adherence to the Code of Ethics, Academy standards and participation in continuing education.
Certification requires submission of client cases for assessment, peer review and comment by the commission on Certification for both FCPs and MCs, as well as Evidence of Continuing Education in CrMS and NaProTECHNOLOGY. For MCs, application of NaProTECHNOLOGYis assessed through case reviews. Initial certification of MCs also assess this application of medical practice through an examination.
This is in addition to the satisfactory completion of the initial Education Program and Supervised Practicum requirements to become a FertilityCare Professional.